H Town |
Hopkinsville, Kentucky |
Hack |
Taxi |
Hacker |
CB'er that doesn't follow rules |
Hag Bag |
Working girl |
Haircut Palace |
Overpass with low clearance |
Hairpin |
Sharp curve |
Half Cheese |
A short school bus |
Hall Haul |
Halls Motor Company truck |
Hamburger Helper |
Linear amplifier |
Hammer |
Accelerator pedal |
Hammer Back |
Slow down |
Hammer Down |
Speed up more... |
Hammer Lane |
The far left lane |
Hammer Off |
Slow down more... |
Hamster |
HAM radio operator |
Hand |
Another truck driver more... |
Handle |
CB nickname |
Hang a Left |
Turn left |
Hang a Louey |
Turn left |
Hang a Ralph |
Turn right |
Hang a Right |
Turn right |
Hang It In Your Ear |
Nonsense chatter |
Hanger |
Truck garage |
Hanging My Needle |
Receiving a good, strong signal |
Hanging Out |
Montitoring a channel |
Hankering |
Desire for something |
Happy Numbers |
Best wishes more... |
Hard Ankle |
Truck driver |
Hard To Pull Out |
Difficult to understand |
Harvey Wallbumper |
Someone who drives recklessly more... |
Hauling Sailboat Fuel |
Pulling an empty trailer |
Have a Safe One |
Have a safe trip |
Hay Shaker |
Pulling a mobile home |
Heater |
Linear amplifier |
Hiding In the Bushes |
Hidden police car |
Hiding In the Grass |
Police on a median strip |
Highballin' |
Driving fast |
Hill Town |
San Fransisco, California |
The Hillbilly |
West Virginia |
Hillbilly Opera House |
Network of CB'ers |
Hind End |
Last vehicle in a convoy |
Hip Pocket |
Glove box |
Hippie Chippie |
Female hitchhiker |
Hit the Cobblestone |
Set out on a trip |
Hit the Hay |
Go to sleep |
Hitch-hiker |
Non-CB equipped vehicle following one with CB |
Hog |
Harley Davidson |
Hog Country |
Arkansas |
Hog Town |
Toronto, Ontario |
Holding On To Your Mud Flaps |
Following too close behind |
Hole In the Wall |
Tunnel |
Holler |
Call me on the radio |
Holstein |
State police trooper |
Home 20 |
Driver's home town more... |
Home Channel |
Driver's favorite channel |
Home Port |
Driver's residence |
Honey Bear |
Female police officer |
Honey Wagon |
Beer truck |
Hoo Hooner |
Driver hogging the left lane |
Horse |
Ford Mustang |
Hot Pants |
Smoke or fire |
Hot Stuff |
Coffee |
Hot Water City |
Hot Springs, Arkansas |
Hotlanta |
Atlanta, Georgia more... |
How About Ya? |
Contacting a particular CB'er |
How Am I Hitting You? |
Is my signal strong? |
How Do You Read Me |
Request for meter reading on transmission |
How Many Candles Are You Burning? |
How old are you? |
How Tall Are You? |
How high is your truck? |
Humps |
Mountains |
Hundred Dollar Lane |
The far left lane more... |
Hundred Mile Coffee |
Strong coffee |
Hung Up |
Unable to turn off CB |
Hydroplaning |
Losing traction on water |